Glamour, I've been reading it since it came in Holland, i think i was only 13 years old.. Loved it since the beginning.
My dream is to write for it. so next year i'll start my study journalism. That's one step closer ;)
I love the french and english versions as well. actually i like all of them. And Starbucks, i really like it. My fave is the Strawberries & cream frappuccino with loads of whipping cream.. ♥ yum...

Music, you can say my main two passions are fashion and music. Old music (new too, but less), Elvis, Frank Sinatra, The beatles, The doors, The rolling stones, Guns n Roses never the less (they're my fave♥), led zeppelin, george michael, queen, and this list goes on and on and on :)

My boyfriend, He's such a sweety, and i love everything about him. I'm so lucky to be his girlfriend. Love to be around him, everything seems more fun with him. ♥
I hope we'll be together for a very long long time. (the photo above is just a WHI photo ;))