Yes, I thought it might be funny to start a tumblr blog as well. Of course this will be the ''main blog'', the tumblr one will be (I'm trying) a bit more lazier. I will be publishing photos and images, writing a short piece of text, and that will be it! And it will be in dutch I think. But that was what I thought when I started with, and here we are; completely in english. So nothing will change here. If you want to take a look: (melovey was already chosen, unfortunately!)
Guess it will be a bit more personal as well. okay.
And, besides that. I subscribed/registered (I do not really know what the exact word is in english) but I registered myself a few deys ago for the academy for journalism! hurray!

Hope you guys have an amazing week, and that the weekend will come soon, very soon!
Much love, Birgit
Just have to share these gorgeous two pieces!

I really love both those things!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLeuk dat je nu ook een tumblr heb. Ik ga er eens even op kijken :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderentumblr is fun! hehe i dont really understand it but yeah ;D
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni love the chanel bag!!!
XOXO Kasia
Jeeej!Congrads with the Academy! Amazing news! I'm very happy for you! And of course I'm looking forward to your posts at tumblr!!!You go girl!:)
Love tumblr
BeantwoordenVerwijderengood for you! congrats :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenCongratulations on your tumblr! I don't know how to follow you there though. I love the photos you post so hopefully you don't decide to leave blogspot! Hope you visit me and my man's blog together, we feature couples around the globe. ♥
BeantwoordenVerwijderenlots a love,