First of all: Best wishes for 2013! ♥

I hope you all had the best night ever! With lots of champagne, good friends and glitter.
And of course new year, new start, and what am I going to do different this year?
-Seeying my 'highschool friends' more often
-Save money for Sziget
-Eat healthier (who hasn't got this one on her list?!)
-Get to Paris, London and Sziget
-Get good grades for school. this also includes learning a lot
-Blogging more often
-Enjoy life.
What about you? Do you have some sort of list?

2012 was awesome, I loved it, a part of the awesomeness I owe to all of you! Everytime I get a comment, it feels like receiving a little present!
So thank you!!
Lots of love,